Tokyo 2020 Athletes & Team Officials Nominations
November 2, 2019- Hagatna, Guam- Nomination forms for Athletes and Team Officials interested in participating in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games are now available for download in our documents page.

Nominated Athletes and Team Officials must meet all GNOC requirements, especially residency matters for Athletes.
The following GNOC documents for nominated Athletes and Team Officials must be submitted to GTFA by January 17, 2020.
A. GNOC Athlete/Team Official Nomination Form
B. GNOC Code of Conduct/Waiver
C. GNOC Residency Documents (Only for Athletes)
D. GNOC Handbook
E. Copy of U.S. Passport (must be valid until February 10, 2021)
F. Two 2” x 2” colored passport photos OR digital photo in jpg format at 100kb-125kb. No facial expressions (i.e.: smiling, teeth showing, etc.); no obstructions on face, head, and neck area (i.e.: prescription glasses, sunglasses, hats, scarves, etc.); and light-colored background (white/beige). Photos not in compliance will be returned.
* Parent/Guardian of athlete(s) under the age of 18 yrs. old, must also sign all GNOC documents, including countersigning all the pages in the GNOC Handbook.
* GNOC documents submitted MUST have original signatures (this includes docs for off-island Athletes/Team Officials)
* Incomplete documents will not be accepted.