2021 Annual Meeting and Election of Board of Directors
Updated: Aug 19, 2021

NOTICE: Guam Track and Field Association
2021 Annual Membership Meeting and Election of Board of Directors
Saturday, August 21, 2021
3:00 PM
GNOC Headquarters, Maite
Attendees must be registered members of the Guam Track and Field Association. Membership registration can be completed prior to the meeting online at https://www.guamtrackandfield.com/membership.
In-person attendees must follow public health guidelines, including the use of masks, in accordance with Executive Order 2021-16.
Membership shirts will be distributed before the meeting.
Report of the President
Report of the Secretary
Report of the Treasurer
Election of Board of Directors for the term 2021-2025
Announcement of Events
Amendment of Constitution to reflect World Athletics name
Off-island members can attend via Zoom in the link below:
Meeting ID: 798 4885 2091
Passcode: gtfa21
Members interested in running for the Board of Directors for the term 2021-2025 can email their intent to gum@mf.worldathletics.org or gtfaboard@gmail.com.