Athletes representing Guam under GTFA and GNOC sanctioned events must abide by GNOC residency requirements and be an active member of GTFA.
The following guidelines are found in the GTFA constitution. More information on residency requirments can be found in the documents section of this website.
Section 1: Residency: athletes representing the association must be a resident of Guam
a. Born on Guam or
Have a United States of America, Department of State issued passport and has established Guam as his or her permanent resident or domicile based on Guam laws.
Section 2: An athlete representing Guam must also meet a five (5) year “requisite period” of residency prior to a regional, national, and international athletic event.
Section 3: Athletes shall be eligible to compete or participate in national competitions if they agree to abide by the Constitution and Regulations and they are not ineligible under IAAF Rules. The eligibility rules of the Association shall be in strict conformity with those of the IAAF. Where there is a conflict between the eligibility rules of the IAAF and the eligibility rules of the Association, the eligibility rules of the IAAF shall apply.
Section 4: If an athlete competes or participates in a competition, whether held under IAAF Rules or the Regulations of the Association, whilst ineligible to do so, the period of his ineligibility shall recommence from the time he last competed as though no part of a period of ineligibility had been served.
Section 5: If an athlete is under 21 years of age, attending school on a full time basis, and is a dependent of his parents, then his residency shall be the same as his parents or legal guardian.
Special corollary: if the above criterion is met and the athlete has
declared a different residency solely for the purpose of taking advantage of lower college tuition, then such residency shall still follow that of the parents.
Section 6: If an athlete is over 21 years of age, attending school on a full time basis, and met the residency requirements prior to attending school, then he/she will maintain their residency status provided that they obtain documents indicating that Guam is their permanent resident and that such athlete has not abandoned his/her Guam residency for another.
Section 7: If an athlete was a resident of or was domiciled on Guam prior to joining the U.S. Armed Forces; he/she shall not lose his/her Guam residency during the period he/she is in the military regardless of where he/she is located. The time in the military during the requisite period shall count towards the requisite period for residency, unless it is determined that such athletes had abandoned his/her Guam residency for another.
Section 8: An athlete over 21 years of age who abandoned his/her Guam residency for another shall automatically lose their residency and eligibility.
Section 9: An athlete training specific to athletics outside of Guam has a maximum of six (6) months prior to losing his/her eligibility.
All off-island training must have prior approval by the board.
Training must be
Under the supervision of certified coach (IAAF, USATF, or other certification affiliated and recognized by GTFA/IAAF).
Or in an approved training center such as a high performance center, Olympic training center, etc.